JMJ Migration/Jovetta Johnson Principal Migration Agent
Suite 101/612 Beaufort St, Mount Lawley WA 6050
Please tell us about JMJ Migration?
“JMJ Migration is my migration agency business which I launched online January this year (2021). I have several years of migration agency experience and I am also qualifying to become a lawyer. We handle most major areas of migration agent work dealing with various Visa’s and AAT appeals.”
What challenges were you facing when you met Clarence from Marketlytics?
“I was launching my business online and previously had no digital marketing for my business. All my previous clients were friends and referrals. I consulted Clarence about the best online channels to launch my business and started with enquiring about Google Ads.
Clarence was very helpful and suggested Facebook instead. The reason being, for Google Ads success, it would take a very good website design and a lot of work put into it.
Clarence clarified that very little migration agents and lawyers will ever have a high converting website and getting one is difficult and time consuming.
We were building the website sometime in late November to December, which will produce a satisfactory website, but not one that can compete with the high level of competition on Google. Clarence explained Facebook will help create a personal connection to my clients via video advertising.”
How was the process of working with Marketlytics & what did you receive?
“Clarence and his team were clear on expectations, set a realistic timeline and really made me comfortable, especially during the filming process. He spent a lot of time training and explaining the process to me, which was enlightening and gave a lot of transparency. He was patient when teaching me what I need to do regarding software systems and using Facebook.”
“Clarence was also very responsive during the first weeks of the campaign launch, giving me confidence the Marketlytics team was carefully managing the whole process.
I received a laser focused campaign and the software tools to manage the leads that were coming through. I was ready for teleconferencing with clients across the country because of Marketlytics, this has forever expanded the reach of my business.“
There were 49 leads acquired at $9.99 each in this campaign run. There were two (2) resultant direct sales of Partner Visas at $5,500 each leading to a campaign with a $20.47 return per dollar spent. There were also unrelated enquiries which may have turned into closed business.
What impact has Clarence and Marketlytics had on JMJ Migration?
“We secured a few Visa clients through the campaign, including some unrelated enquires which produced closed business. These clients were cold leads and not friends or family of mine, which is refreshing. The cost to acquire this business was very palatable and much easier to accept than a typical Google Ads lead (in my experience). Marketlytics truly launched my business with a bang.”
On an emotional level, what impact has Marketlytics had on your life?
“Marketlytics gave excitement and hope that my business could be launched online successfully. They have demonstrated the right digital marketing agency can produce blockbuster results with sufficient resources, which does not have to be much. They have given me confidence because of their superior strategies, which I have never seen before, including their video strategies that bridged the gap between my clients and I, who all recognise my voice when I called them.”
Please describe what it’s like to work with Clarence and Marketlytics?
“Clarence is a patient teacher and a brilliant strategist. Marketlytics uses only sufficient resources to achieve stellar results. If you want great bang for buck and the maximum return for the current resources you have, these are the digital marketing masterminds you should see – they use the right channel for the right purpose and deliver results.“
What would have happened if you hadn’t met Marketlytics?
“I would have tried Google Ads and faced a high cost per click and low conversion rates. This was simply because my business is new and would not have the brand recognition that some established agencies have. Without establishing a personal connection, very little migrants would have properly considered my services.“
Do you recommend Marketlytics and Clarence Ling to other business owners? Why?
“YES! As explained, they are they like chess masterminds in the digital marketing space. They are able to predict advertising outcomes with some accuracy and produce strategies that I have rarely seen in the migration or legal space.”

Clarence Ling is the Founder of Marketlytics, and a guerilla marketer. Initially a trained Lawyer and Practice Development Manager, he contributed to the growth of his firm, including implementing software.
Clarence Ling is a Digital Advertising and Analytics Expert. Having a wide range of advertising experience ranging from international real estate, to legal and previously worked in full service marketing agencies, Clarence is a diligent marketer with an eye for detail and a talent for numbers.
Clarence can carefully plan out the best budget levels for the desired outcomes with projections that are more accurate than most.
His background in Analytics enables a clear, big picture assessment of both organic and paid campaigns, enabling maximum efficiency of those digital campaigns. His analytical background brings precise clarity of client or customer interaction and behaviour on online assets.
Clarence’s four fields of practice are Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Email Marketing (EDM). He is best as an Advertiser and is an avid collector of Software As A Service (SaaS) Products, avidly investing in both technology and human capital of Marketlytics.
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